Term & Conditions

If you use our services or website, you agree to follow our Terms and Conditions and other applicable laws. If you don’t agree, you can stop using our website. We advise you to carefully read our Terms and Conditions before using our website to avoid any issues. 

Copyright Laws:

Every content you see on our website, like text, images, and code, is protected by copyright laws. It’s the property of the Luxury Desires. This also includes the collective work that is licensed to us. You can make electronic copies and hardcopy prints of specific portions of our website for ordering and purchasing Luxury Desires products. 

You can also view, download, and print some parts of the website for personal use. But anything beyond that, including sharing, coping or advertising the content - is a no-go without our consent. And don’t delete or remove any copyright information on materials downloaded from our website. 

Warranty Disclaimer - Our Commitment To Transparency:

This website and its products and content are provided “as is” and “as available” without direct, express, implied or statutory warranty. Luxury Desires lets you know we try our best to adhere to the law, but we cannot promise that everything will always work perfectly. 

We cannot ensure that the website will never go through some interruptions or errors. We also do not guarantee that our website is completely free from viruses or other harmful things. We also do not guarantee that the product and material on our website are always correct, reliable or perfectly meet your requirements.  


All trademarks, service marks, and trade names of Luxury Desires used in the website are registered trademarks that Luxury Desires owns.

Limitation Of Liability:

We won’t be held responsible for any unexpected, indirect or consequential damages that may happen from using or not being able to use the material on our website or our products, even if we already mentioned the potential for such issues. Based on the applicable laws, there might be some cases where the limitation of liability doesn’t affect you.

Errors, Inaccuracies And Omissions:

If we mistakenly list a Luxury Desires product at an incorrect price on our website, we have all the rights to refuse or cancel the order you have placed. This condition applies even if you have already placed the order and we have charged your credit card. In that scenario, we will refund the wrongly charged amount credited to your account. 


These Terms and Conditions apply to you if you visit our website, sign up for an account or make a purchase. We may terminate these Terms and Conditions or change them anytime without telling you any reasons. However, specific rules about copyrights, trademarks, disclaimers, and liability limits, protecting us from legal claims, will still apply even if we terminate these Terms and Conditions. 


If you or anyone else, including the officers, directors, employees, agents, licensors and suppliers (collectively the "Service Providers"), break the rules or cause any trouble on the Luxury Desires website, you promise to cover all the costs and legal fees that might come up. This includes compensating for losses, paying for damages, and covering the expenses of defending against legal claims. 

Third-party Links:

We want to optimise your experience when you use our website. For this purpose, we may include links to other websites run by different companies. Just to clarify one thing, even if those companies are connected with us, we don’t have any control over what happens on their websites. Each third party may have privacy policies and practices that differ from ours. 

Please note that although we have included these links for your convenience, you can access them at your own risk. We will make every effort to ensure that our links are trustworthy and safe. Please let us know if you come across any broken links. We work hard to ensure that nothing gets in the way of you and that everything goes as planned. 

Participation Disclaimer:

At Luxury Desires, we cannot review every communication and material users post on our website. So, we are not responsible for the content they say and post. When you access our website to view or distribute user-generated content, Luxury Desires only provides you with a platform to do that. We are not taking any liability for any content or activities happening on the website by users. 

However, we reserve the right to block or remove content that is following:

  • Abusive, defamatory or obscene 
  • Fraudulent, deceptive or misleading
  • Content that violates copyright or trademark laws
  • Something that doesn't meet Luxury Desires standards

Use Of Website:

We want everyone to feel safe while using our website. So, please avoid harassment of others. You're not allowed to harass others through email or chat or use abusive language. You’re not allowed to act like a Luxury Desires staff member. 

Moreover, please don’t share any content that could harm others, such as:

  • Don’t spread lies 
  • Don't threaten someone
  • Don’t invade someone’s privacy

Illegal activities are strictly prohibited. Please keep commercial content off the site, and don’t try to convince people of other businesses or organizations here. Our aim is to make our website a positive and welcoming platform to order your favourite products. 

Changes To The Terms and Conditions:

We hold the right to change or terminate these Terms and Conditions at any time. If you want to make amendments, we will send you at least 30 days' notice before making any changes. The revised Terms and Conditions bind you by continuing to access or use our services after the revision. If you do not agree to the new terms, in whole or in part, you can stop using our products or website. 

Contact Us!

If you have any queries about these Terms and Conditions, you can contact us via email at info@luxurydesires.pk, or you can call us at +92 330 6068111.